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Thanks for downloading our PDF “The essential IT checklist for workplace solutions". We hope you find the content insightful. Want to explore how our hybrid working solutions could benefit your organization? Get in touch with our experts.

Mapiq's technical benefits

Advanced privacy and security standards

Mapiq is GDPR compliant: all user data is owned by you. Our services are also accredited by ISO 9001 and ISO 27001 certifications.

API Automation

Reduce your administrative work with automated purchasing, scheduling, and work from home allowances.

Simple implementation

Our solution is user-friendly and easy to integrate. No hardware is required, and Mapiq can be fully operational in one week.

Is Mapiq technically secure?

Mapiq works with existing authentication & SSO, and we always prioritize the technical health of your organization. Mapiq is also hosted on Microsoft Azure, to ensure complete and trusted server security. We account for privacy concerns in every stage of our development and maintain our reliable SaaS platform through regular third-party pen-testing. Reach out to us for more specifics on how we can protect your digital security.

How much does Mapiq cost?

Our pricing model differs based on your number of users. Reach out to us for an estimate.

What kind of support does Mapiq provide?

As a Mapiq customer, you will have a dedicated Customer Success Manager and an on-demand support team to assist with any troubleshooting requirements. Our Solutioning Team is also available to provide add-on, custom features based on your organizational needs.

Is Mapiq easy to set up?

Mapiq is always easy to set up thanks to our seamless onboarding sequence and our dedicated Customer Success agents.